Feine kleine Reime
- gedichte | poem | verse -

Als ich vor Jahren ins Internet gelangte und schnell mein virtuelles Zuhause im Chartraum Herzflimmern bei MSN fand, begegneten mir eine Vielzahl interessanter Menschen. Ich stellte schnell fest, dass sich einige von ihnen auch lyrisch bewegten und erhielt von ihnen, nach Anfrage meinerseits, das Okay zum Veröffentlichen ihrer Texte auf meiner Homepage. Leider gibt es diesen Raum nicht mehr und der Kontakt riss ab. Trotzdem habe ich beschlossen, ihre Worte hier wieder aufzunehmen.


Falling in Love 2
Thoughts racing through my head
Feelings growing like a jungle
Emotions sparkling like shooting stars
Happiness bubbling over
Like popcorn from a jar

Shinning smiles on my lips
Constant laughter in my mouth
Glittering lights in my eyes
A saucy swing to my hips

Goosebumps rippling like waves
Over my sensorial skin
Butterfly wings tickling my stomach
Electricity in my fingertips

Twinkling toes dancing like wind chimes
Feeling caterpillars crawling up my thighs
A bouncy hop to my stride
That's what falling in love with you is like
© Gitty

First Kiss
When the moment is right.
There’ll be a sparkle in our eyes.
Electricity crackling, bursting out
From our insides.

I am next to you
I search your eyes.
For a glimpse of your soul,
A stop or go sign.

All noise fades.
I feel the intake of your breath
As our bodies start to press
Color creeping from your face
Down to your neck.

At last it’s time.
We declare with our eyes.
To move on, take the next step.
To join the universe as part of a whole.
We passed the first test.

Thoughts disappear.
As I feel the first tentative touch.
Your lips… they imply so much!
Of things to come,
Sensations to digest.

Your tongue probing.
As it mingles with mine.
Dancing back and forth
In an age old fight.

Wanting more we push on
Exploring all there is, wanting more,
Needing the essence.
Inhaling each other’s breath
And go forth to explore.
© Gitty

In my dreams
In my dreams
I can be anything
In my dreams
I have no limitations
In my dreams
I am never border bound

In my dreams
I can be myself
In my dreams
I have no fears
In my dreams
I do the leap of faith

In my dreams
I can love freely
In my dreams
I can be loved
In my dreams
I can feel you all around

In my dreams
I can be honest
In my dreams
I can accept
In my dreams
I see life as it could be
© Gitty

That’s What It’s Like
I am still without words
I still have no speech
I’ve been possessed
Body, heart and soul
Love, is no longer a mystery for me
As I beam in total disbelieve

So, that’s what it’s like
To feel satisfied
With both body and mind
So, that’s what it’s like
To be totally loved
With everything one’s got

As the awareness spreads
From head to toes
My body, sweet and warm
I wonder why I never
Experienced this before

So, that’s what it’s like
To feel satisfied
With both body and mind
So, that’s what it’s like
To be totally loved
With everything one’s got

My whole being turned into mush
All my liquids a-gush
Blood pumping through all flesh
Fast racing, yet still languishing
Swollen hard, but tender to the touch

So, that’s what it’s like
To feel satisfied
With both body and mind
So, that’s what it’s like
To be totally loved
With everything one’s got

Bubbles all through my tissues
Lightning striking my extremities
Fireworks sparkling through me
Taking me higher and higher‘
Till I’ve touched eternity

So, that’s what it’s like
To feel satisfied
With both body and mind
So, that’s what it’s like
To be totally loved
With everything one’s got
© Gitty